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In response to AEK’s allegations regarding the player Hrvoje Milicevic, we hereby wish to state the following and hope that this will indeed shade some light in the eyes of the public:

Aris did formally enquire with AEK (both with the sports director and member of the board) regarding the possibility of a transfer of the player. Aris received a negative answer.

At a later stage we were approached (not the other way round) by an intermediary who suggested that he would be in a position to make the deal possible.

Aris has never mandated the intermediary and has firmly expressed that AEK has declined and that the clubs have had a direct contact.

Sadly enough, many people look at situations like this and use the name of our club or that of people in the club seeking financial benefit.

Finally, we do hope that AEK maintains its high level of ethics in all parts of football with both Aris and all other clubs.

We will not revert with more announcements, but rather deal with this matter at the appropriate forum, reserving all of our legal rights.

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