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ARIS History Honored

Football players who have honored Aris' jersey through the years and presidents who have served Aris Limassol received the honorary award from the management of our club in a joint event organized in cooperation with AEL.

The event was organized for the last derby between the two teams, giving them a proper farewell at Tsireio Stadium. a pitch that housed the dreams, the successes, and the joys, but also the bitterness and disappointment of our teams for almost five decades (1975–2022).

On behalf of Aris, the honors were presented by the club's president, Lysandros Lysandrou. The honorary award was given to the former presidents of our team: Kyriakos Chadjikyriakos, George Economidis, Odysseas Miliadous (Omicro), and Doros Ieropoulos. The players who were honored were: Demos Kareklas, Marios Makridis, Giorgos Paraskeva, Andreas Kissonergis, Andreas Papakostas, Louis Loizou, Panicos HadjiLoizou, Marios Tsingis, Antonis Lambrou (Pakkos), Andros Christofi, and Alkis Markou.

The two teams also honored the president of the CSO Andreas Michaelides, who served our team as a player and coached both teams Aris and AEL.

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