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Defeat by Apollon 1-0

Defeat by Apollon 1-0

Our team suffered the defeat in matchday 2 of the Pancyprian CYTA Championship in Tsirio Stadium by Apollon 1-0.

Our team in the first half entered numbly but the first good phase came from Simion who tried from long range to shoot and forced the Demetriou into a difficult repulsion. In the 16th minute, Babicka was forced to change due to injury and so Dani Pacheco took his place. In the 29th minute, Apollon's team was left with 10 players due to the expulsion of Hambos Kyriacou for a dangerous tackle on Mariousz Stepinski. In the 39th minute Apollon scored with a header by Yanga, while in injury time we had a great chance with Stepinski who with a shot from outside the area marked the crossbar.

In the second half our team was in control of the match and closed Apollon in his area and the players of Liasos Louka threw all the energy in the attack. The big chance came in injury time with Roncaglia marking the right crossbar. The two crossbars for our team and the misfortune stood in the way of scoring gain.

Certainly the performance of our team was very good and left promises for the continuation.

Lineup: Vana, Radut (46'Manu), Sikorski (78'Andreou), Stepinski, Caju, Frangos (46'Slogar), Yago, Schildenfeld, Roncaglia, Babicka (18'Pacheco - 78'Spoljaric), Simion.

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