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Rest and day off

After two consecutive friendly games our team played in the last two days, today did not include a training session. 

Our players devoted the morning to an active recovery day. This included a swimming at the pool followed a relaxed program of water training for muscle relaxation (Aqua Training). 

In the afternoon they had free time and most of them went on a tour to the city of Ptuj. 

Late afternoon on their return to the hotel, they gathered in the lecture hall and with the coaching staff, they spent their time pleasantly playing various team building games. 

The losing team would have to sing in front of everyone before dinner. So Kostas Pileas, Frans Brorsson, Ivan Pankov, Karol Struski, Ismail Yandal and Floriss Djave were forced to sing together a Greek song 'If you are a star' by Nikos Vertis and were applauded by everyone. 

This shows the enjoyable and friendly atmosphere in the group and the team spirit.

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